Ryan delivers results, if he says he can do it, you can trust he can.

Kylie Daniel

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Our Approach

Often web agencies are highly creative, bristling with ideas and talent, but they often lack a critical part of the formula - they lack the skills and knowledge to accurately and correctly build websites.

In our business we've realised this, and reflected on our strengths. So we're focused on the technical of building websites, making sure we use smart technologies to do so, as well as best practices and modern techniques.

This means that if you're a graphic designer or an agency who loves designing and conceptualising websites, but the actual building of websites is ineffecient for you, we can be your secret weapon.

Our Technical Strengths

Our experience


Under the name of Mesuva we've been operating for over three years, but we're in no way new to the field:

Over the last 15 years Ryan Hewitt has worked for various companies, large and small, as a programmer and has an extensive list of websites he has built privately. Ryan holds a Bachelor of Information Technology with Honours from the University of South Australia.

Ryan's strengths are in PHP, advanced CSS and applying a very critical eye to projects.

Lelita.jpgLelita Baldock is highly skilled in mobile responsive CSS and Sass, a concrete5 guru and an expert at managing site builds and content. Prior to Mesuva Lelita worked in Education, honing strong skills in communication, language and instruction. 

We're in the web industry because we enjoy what we do and we're passionate about the tech. On our Kindles you'll find books about things such as HTML5, jQuery and User Interface design.